Unit -4 : Ms-Word (Spelling and Grammar Command & Find / Replace )

Checking spelling and grammar
To make your document appear professional, you'll want to make sure it is free from spelling and grammar errors. Word has several options for checking your spelling.
To run a spelling and grammar check:
1.      Go to the Review tab.
2.      Click on the Spelling & Grammar command.

3.      The Spelling and Grammar dialog box will open. For each error in your document, Word will try to offer one or more suggestions. You can select a suggestion and click Change to correct the error.

4.      If no suggestions are given, you can manually type the correct spelling.

Automatic spelling and grammar checking
By default, Word automatically checks your document for spelling and grammar errors, so you may not even need to run a separate spelling and grammar check. These errors are indicated by colored wavy lines.
By default, Word automatically checks your document for spelling and grammar errors. These errors are indicated by colored wavy lines.
·         The blue line indicates a contextual spelling error.
o    contextual spelling error is when an incorrect spelling of a word is chosen. For example, if you write Deer Mr. Theodore at the beginning of a letter, deer is a contextual spelling error because dear should have been used. Deer is spelled correctly, but it is used incorrectly in this letter.
·         The red line indicates a misspelled word.
·         The green line indicates a grammatical error.

To use the spelling check feature:
·         Right-click the underlined word. A menu will appear.
·         Select the correct spelling of the word from the listed suggestions.
·         Left-click your mouse on the word. It will appear in the document.

You can choose to ignore an underlined word, add it to the dictionary, or go to the Spelling dialog box.
To use the grammar check feature:
·         Right-click the underlined word. A menu will appear.
·         Select the correct word from the listed suggestions.
·         Left-click your mouse on the word. It will appear in the document.

You can also choose to ignore an underlined word, go to the Grammar dialog box, or find out more information about the word and its usage.
You can also wait and run the spelling and grammar check after completing the document. Click the Spelling & Grammar command on the Review tab.


            thesaurus is a software tool included with some word processors that provides synonyms for selected words on command. Users using Microsoft Word can open a thesaurus by highlighting the word they want to look up and pressing the shortcut keyShift+F7. It is also available in Review Tab è Proofing Group
A word processor helps you to look up synonyms (different words with the same meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning) in the thesaurus.
How is it different from a dictionary? A dictionary contains definitions and pronunciations,
whereas thesaurus will have words with similar meanings or opposite meanings.

Copy – Paste and Cut – Paste
Copy means to Select text and then Copy that text onto your “clipboard”. The “clipboard” is a temporary short-term data storage area in your computer where the text is temporarily placed.
Paste means to place the text that is on the “clipboard” into your document.
1. Select the text that is to be copied.
2. Right-click the mouse anywhere on the selected text. A pop-up menu appears (Figure 10).
3. Click Copy. The menu goes away.
4. Click at the end of the last line in the document and press Enter. The cursor moves down to the next line.
5. Right-click, then click Paste. The selected sentence is copied below the last sentence.\

Fig. 10: Pop-up Menu (Cut / Copy / Paste)

Cut and Paste
There is a minor but very important difference between “Copy and Paste” and
“Cut and Paste.”
• In “Copy and Paste” the original set of text remains where it was and it is also pasted to another place in the document.
• In “Cut and Paste” the original set of text gets deleted and it pasted to another place in the document.
You can now try the “Cut and Paste” feature by cutting the line “Avoiding arguments and disagreements”, and pasting it as the first line of your document. To do so, use the following steps:
1. Cut means to Select text and then Copy that text onto your “clipboard”.
2. Select the text that is to be copied. (You have learnt to select text in Exercise 4.)
3. Right-click the mouse anywhere on the selected text. A pop-up menu appears. Click Cut. The menu goes away.
4. Click at the beginning of the first line in the document and press Enter.
5. Right-click, then click Paste. The selected sentence is copied below the last sentence.

Find and Replace Command

Go to the "Home" tab menu on the Ribbon of Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013, at the furthest right of the group is the "Editing" options. Click the Editing item, a popup menu will appear and now you can see the "Find" and "Replace" items at the top of the box. It seems not obvious to find out Find and Replace on the Ribbon.
See it below:
Find Command use for search text in word document and replace command is use to change text with other text.
Ctrl + F: - Use for find
Ctrl + H: - Use for Replace
F7:- Use for Spelling and grammar mistake
Shift + F7:- Use for Thesaurus

ð In find what box type text which you want to find
ð In Replace with box type text which you want to add find location.

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