Table in MS-Word
Group of rows and columns are called table.

In Ms-Word there are Two ways to create a table.
We use + and – sign to create table. Table start with + sign and use – sign for column width, End table with also + sign.
Eg: - +-------------+---------------+------------------+-----------+

Use Tab Button to Increase Table.
Use Tab button to jump next column.
Use Shift + Tab to jump previous column.
Click on Insert ribbon and click on table option.
In table option we use three option to create table
Use Table Template.
Use Insert Table option table and give the columns and rows number             and press ok.
Use draw table option then cursor change in pencil shape and use mouse to create table.

Table Options and formatting:-
After table creating ms-word provide two new ribbons (Design and Layout) for table formatting.
In Design ribbon we use table border styles and table shading colors.
In Layout ribbon we use Table text alignments, table cell merge option, split option etc.
Merge Cell: - It is used to Merge selected two or more columns and create heading.
Split Cell: - It is used to Split a cell in rows and columns.
Text Direction Command: - It is used to change the text direction in table.


Convert Text to Table:-

Ex: -                   
101, Ajay, IX, Barmer
102, Vijay, IX, Jaipur
Note: Commas have been inserted between the different data. This indicates where you want to divide the text into columns. Use paragraph marks (Press Enter key) to indicate where you want to begin a new row.
 First: Select the text that you want to convert from the document.
Second: On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Convert Text to Table. This is shown in below.

Third: A Convert Text to Table dialog box appears as shown in Figure.
Fourth: In the Convert Text to Table dialog box, under Separate text at, click the option for the separator character that is in your text (Commas in this case).
Fifth: In the Number of columns box, check the number of columns. If you don’t see the number of columns that you expect, you may be missing a separator character in one or more lines of text.
Sixth: Select any other options that you want.
The table created will look like the following:

If we want to convert table to text then follow these steps:-
First Select the table and click on layout option.
In Layout option click on convert table to text option.
Select separator and click ok, then table are show in text format.
101, Ajay, IX, Barmer
102, Vijay, IX, Jaipur

Page Border/ Page Color and Watermark Command

If we want to format our document with border then we use page border option.
For Page border click on page layout ribbon and click on page border option. In page border we use different type of borders and color shading option to create best design.
For Page color click on page layout ribbon and click on page color option and select the color which color we want to apply on page.
For watermark also use page layout ribbon watermark option with these settings.-
First: Click on Watermark and click on customize watermark option

Second: If we want picture watermark then click on picture watermark and select picture for apply watermark.
Third: If we want text watermark then click on text watermark and type words in TEXT option for watermark and also use color, font and layout for formatting.
Column Divide
First: Click on page layout ribbon click on columns option and select the columns for divide.
Second: In more column option we use advance option like show line and columns width and spacing etc.